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jfkender's avatar

Male 8 months ago

What Product (or Process) Can I Use to Relieve Oily Shininess

Does Geologie, or members, recommend anything for this situation -- My face takes on a shine in the afternoons (oily shine) and I typically would splash cold water and pat dry but was wondering if there is a product worth trying to eliminate face shine?

ina's avatar

8 months ago

A big welcome to our newest members

A warm welcome to our newest members who recently joined!

Do you have any questions about Geologie products? What products would you like to see released next?


ben01's avatar

Board game lover 4 months ago

leticia's avatar

1 year ago

Question: What’s your favorite Geologie product and why?

Let us know in the comments!

gio's avatar

1 year ago

NEW PRODUCT LAUNCH: Clear System.... Your acne is shaking in its boots.

Say hello to Clear System 💥 Beat your acne without the burn!
Clear System is a complete and easy to use routine that combines strong yet gentle ingredients to fight acne at any stage of life ⚔️
What's unique about this clinically proven system? Our system gets stronger each month to ease your skin into the acne battlefield, making it for a much gentler approach than any other acne system you ever tried. Better yet? No irritating, stinky, clothes-staining ingredients like benzoyl peroxide.

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