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Welcome to Geologie

Sign up now and get access to our community to discuss products, share tips and tricks, and enhance your routine!

Community Guidelines

Welcome to Geologie’s skin, hair, and body care community, where we’ll attempt to simplify the science behind skin and hair care with fun prompts, educational videos, mythbusting, memes, and more. If you’re just beginning your skincare journey or looking to chat with other skincare enthusiasts and professionals, this is the place to come to share your questions and experiences. We created this community because we saw a need for both men and women to join in advocating for SIMPLE 💪POWERFUL FORMULAS 🤝THAT ARE EASY TO STICK TO 😌 By joining Geologie’s Community, you agree to respect the following rules. Breaching these rules will result in anything between a warning and a permanent ban from participating on our board. 1) Absolutely no attacks or harassment on any members of the community. We’re in this together to learn and engage through the love of skin, hair, and body care. Help us create a safe space for everyone. 2) We won't tolerate any form of hate speech, racism, sexism, homophobic content etc. 3) Geologie will not facilitate drama from other sources. 4) No NSFW/18+ content will be tolerated. 5) No spam. Period. Don’t be that person. We will block you immediately. 7) Staff reserve the right to remove anything they deem inappropriate or off topic. 8) If you have an issue with anyone or anything in our forum, flag the post and contact one of our Community Managers. 9) IF YOU HAVE AN ORDER RELATED ISSUE, DO NOT POST IN THIS FORUM. Please contact so the appropriate people can look into and help resolve any issues with you directly. We will remove all specific order related questions from our feed.